Our facility assessments deploy data analysis to help you understand your facility performance relative to your peers. We’ll lay the foundation for setting a realistic, long-term and sustainable energy plan.
Facility Assessmnets
Interested in improving the energy efficiency of your facilities?
Get in touch with our engineers for a free consultation.
“I need a better understanding of the state of my current building assets as well as how they’re performing.” —Future 2KB Client
We use data analysis to create long-term sustainable energy plans with clear, attainable goals.
Want to know how well your facility is performing? We can help!
Utility Benchmarking
At the heart of our work to reduce waste is the review and benchmarking of utility information. Utility benchmarking is a foundational practice for understanding the performance of your facility relative to your peers. Our approach includes collecting, analyzing, and reporting the consumption and costs associated with a facility, campus, or portfolio.
Why do you need an audit?
Facility energy audits form the foundation of a realistic, long-term sustainable energy plan. It’s the best way to systematically identify and develop opportunities to help reduce energy use and optimize operational practices.
How often do you need one?
Facility energy audits are a vital component of any energy management program. We recommend that you have one performed at least once every five years to prioritize capital investments in your portfolio.
What does an audit entail?
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) defines best practices for energy audits under three levels, each with varying standards of depth.
A Level I audit includes the preliminary analysis, as well as an on-site survey of the building. Our expert Energy Engineers will conduct the survey, record observations, and analyze data to identify low-cost or no-cost improvement measures. We will also list potential capital improvements and budget recommendations for implementing the suggested energy improvement initiatives.
A Level II audit includes the preliminary analysis and the Level I audit with the addition of a more detailed building survey and energy analysis. An allocation of the energy use within the building, known as an energy balance, is provided along with a report detailing the capital investments required and the potential savings from the investments. Our Level II audit will also outline necessary changes to operation and maintenance programs to ensure successful implementation of energy improvement initiatives.
A Level III audit includes all prior levels of ASHRAE audits. This audit also focuses on potential capital-intensive projects identified during the Level II analysis. In addition, Level III involves more detailed field data gathering through the use of data loggers and trend analysis from building automation systems. Energy-saving measures receive a much more rigorous engineering analysis. Our Level III audit provides detailed project cost and savings calculations with a high level of confidence sufficient for major capital investment decisions. This level is known as the investment-grade audit because the information can immediately be used to procure and implement findings.
Let’s work together!
We’ll create an energy management strategy that’s tailored to meet your unique goals