Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Energy Resource Coordination Services to decrease energy use, decarbonize energy resources, and accumulate cost savings
In 2019, the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government (ACCUG) sought a partner to provide Energy Resource Coordination services in an effort to decrease energy use, decarbonize energy resources, and accumulate cost savings. 2KB joined a partnership with Southface, Greenlink Analytics, and Root Solutions where each partner brings unique expertise to drive the greatest impact in the Energy Resource Coordination Role.
The initial priorities for this 5-year project included utility data analysis; utility rate/tariff analysis; fleet enhancements; SPLOST project management; and facility assessments. 2KB led the effort to perform facilities assessments on a portion of the ACCUG building portfolio to identify opportunities for energy, water and operational cost savings.
Phase I - ACCUG Prioritized Facility Selection for ASHRAE Level 2 Audits
To maximize the future utility cost-savings, 2KB sought to help the client prioritize facilities with the greatest energy reduction potential. The 2KB team collected and analyzed seven years of utility and demographic data for the client’s 194 facilities to produce energy use indexes (EUIs) for each facility. The team compared each facility’s EIU to comparable facilities and determined which deviated most profoundly from the national averages. The findings of this project allowed the client and 2KB team to narrow down which facilities could most benefit from a ASHRAE Level II Audit and realize the most cost savings for the City.
Project Benefits
2KB created an initial utility assessment of all county facilities to determine energy use indexes. This project created an important baseline that future projects can benchmark against. Additionally, the electricity and gas consumption analysis allowed the 2KB team and county officials to prioritize limited funds for facilities that could benefit the most from a Level II ASHRAE Audit, also completed by the 2KB team (See Phase II).
Phase II – ACCUG Facility Audits
ACCUG, through its standard budgeting and capital planning processes had already allocated funds toward facility improvements. 2KB reviewed these plans and revised scopes of work such that energy savings opportunities were prioritized.
Energy efficiency programs most positively impact ongoing operations. 2KB conducted interviews with multiple department representatives to ensure all teams were given input on the plans and priorities for energy efficiency.
Project Benefits
2KB conducted ten (10) energy audits for facilities with some of the highest energy use indices in the ACCUG portfolio (See Phase I). The facilities included fire stations, community centers, administrative buildings, and inmate housing. The audits covered over 130,000ft2 of occupied space.
2KB identified over fifty (50) energy conservation measures that reduce utility costs at ACCUG facilities by an average of 15%. The electricity savings identified are equivalent to 231 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. 2KB identified a path to implementation that would result in a 3.4-year simple payback on these measures.
Phase III – ACC-PUD Water Infrastructure Audits
In March of 2021, Athens-Clarke County Public Utilities Department (ACC-PUD) provided the Energy Resource coordination team with the Notice to Proceed for an energy audit at the North Oconee Water Reclamation Facility and in August of 2021 the go ahead for an audit at J.G. Beacham Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The primary purpose of theses energy audits was to identify areas within the facilities in which ACC-PUD could reduce energy usage. The audit involved evaluations of each process throughout the plant and corresponding recommendations for improvements.
The project team conducted field audits, staff interviews, analyzed site data, performed process and utility analyses. After calculating energy use based on equipment runtime data, operation and maintenance manuals, pump curves, and equipment manufacture discussions the team underwent thorough research and evaluation for proposed ECMs. As the North Oconee WTF is nearly 100 years old, and Beacham WTP has been well maintained over the years, the team had to identify unique and innovative ECMs to achieve the clients desire to lower energy usage with reasonably appropriate payback periods.
Project Cost:
$298, 214
2KB Project Services:
Energy Management
Facility Assessments
Capital Planning
Energy Engineering
Fleet Electrification